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How to Choose After School Activities for Your Kids

Written by Lauren Hodges | Aug 31, 2022 4:00:00 AM

There are a lot of after school activities to choose from and it can be tough to decide which ones to sign up for. Here is everything you need to know about choosing after school activities, from finding the right fit to budgeting. With a little research and planning, you can find the perfect activity for your child.

The Benefits of After-School Activities

Before discussing how to choose after school activities for your kids, let’s talk about why your kids should have one! After-school activities can provide several benefits for students including:

Gives kids a creative outlet 

After-school activities provide a much-needed creative outlet for kids. In a world where standardized testing and rote learning are increasingly the norms, after-school activities give kids a chance to explore their creativity and learn new skills. From art and music to drama and dance, after-school activities provide a vital outlet for kids to express themselves. Studies have shown that kids who are involved in after-school activities have better grades and are more likely to graduate from high school.

Teaches them new skills

After-school activities can be extremely beneficial for children. They can learn new skills and explore new interests in a safe and supportive environment. After-school activities can also help children develop important social and emotional skills. Participation in after-school activities can help children learn how to work cooperatively with others, overcome obstacles, and handle disappointment. After-school activities can also help children develop a sense of belonging and self-confidence.

Develops leadership

By being involved in activities outside of school, students have the opportunity to learn how to work with others, communicate effectively, and take on responsibility. These are all important skills that will help them in their future careers. Additionally, after-school activities can also help students learn time management and organizational skills.

Encourages teamwork

After-school activities are a great way to encourage teamwork, social skills, and important life skills in children. These activities provide a great opportunity for children to learn and practice essential skills that will benefit them in both academic and professional settings. Through these activities, children learn how to work together in a group and how to communicate effectively with others.

Types of After-School Activities

There are many different types of after-school activities for children to choose from. We are going to discuss the most common ones!


Sports can be a great way for children to stay active and healthy, as well as learn important skills such as teamwork and communication. There are many different types of sports available, so there is sure to be one that your child will enjoy. Some popular sports for children include basketball, soccer, baseball, and tennis.


Another popular after school activity is music. Learning to play an instrument or being a part of a choir can help children develop their creativity and teamwork skills. Music can also be a great way for children to relax and unwind after a long day at school.


Art classes are a great way to get your child involved in after-school activities. They can learn about different mediums, styles, and techniques while also developing their creative voice. Art classes can also be a great way to meet other children with similar interests and make new friends.

Special Interest Clubs 

One popular option is special interest clubs. These clubs allow children to explore their interests in a particular subject or activity in a fun and supportive environment. Some popular special interest clubs include art, dance, drama, photography, and sports. There are also clubs for children with specific interests, such as chess, Lego, and coding. Special interest clubs provide children with the opportunity to socialize with others who share their interests and to learn new skills and knowledge.

What to consider when choosing activities for kids 

After school activities can be a great way for children to explore their interests, make new friends, and get some exercise. However, with so many options available, it can be hard to know how to choose the right activity for your child. Here are some things to consider when making your decision:

Pick a class that your child is interested in

First, think about your child’s interests. What does he or she like to do? If your child is interested in sports, there are many options available, from organized leagues to after-school programs. If your child enjoys art or music, there are also many activities to choose from. 

Consider your child’s age

Second, consider your child’s age and ability level. Some activities may be too challenging for younger children, while others may be too easy for older children. You’ll also want to make sure the activity is appropriate for your child’s ability level. 

Your schedule and budget

It is important to consider your schedule and budget when choosing after school activities for kids because it can help you ensure that your child can participate in the activity and that it is affordable. After school activities can provide children with important social and physical activities, so it is important to choose ones that fit your child's interests and abilities.

Consider the teacher 

When deciding on your child’s after school activities, don’t forget to consider their instructor or teacher. The teacher can provide guidance and support to help the child succeed in the activity. The teacher can also help the child to develop new skills and knowledge.

Talk to other parents

As a parent, it is important to talk to other parents when choosing after school activities for kids. This is because you can get advice and recommendations from other parents about what activities are best for kids. Additionally, talking to other parents can help you get a better understanding of the different after school activities available for kids.


There is no doubt that after school activities are fun, but picking the right after school activities for your kids is tricky. It is important to know what activities are best for your child's age, skill level, and interests!

View summer camps and activities by state.