Unlock Creativity: Top 10 Reasons to send your child to Arts Garage Summer Camp
Florida arts garage summer camp

Unlock Creativity: Top 10 Reasons to send your child to Arts Garage Summer Camp

With summer just around the corner, parents are on the lookout for enriching and enjoyable experiences for their children. Arts Garage Theater Summer Camp stands out as a beacon of creativity and growth, offering more than just a place to spend the summer days. It's a community where young minds explore, learn, and grow. 

Nestled in the heart of the vibrant Delray Beach community at 94 NE 2nd Ave, Arts Garage stands as a cornerstone of creativity and youth enrichment. Delray Beach, known for its stunning beaches, artistic flair, and dynamic culture, provides the perfect backdrop for a summer camp experience at Arts Garage. This unique venue enriches the local summer camp industry by offering a specialized focus on the performing arts, where young talents can flourish.

By integrating acting, playwriting, and technical theater into its curriculum, Arts Garage cultivates an environment where children not only entertain but also build confidence, creativity, and lifelong skills. The impact of Arts Garage on the community extends beyond the stage. It fosters meaningful connections among campers, encourages community involvement, and nurtures future generations of creative thinkers and leaders.

It's an essential part of Delray Beach, enhancing the cultural fabric and making performing arts accessible to all. Through Arts Garage, every summer becomes a season of growth and joyful exploration for the youth.

Here are the top ten reasons to choose Arts Garage Summer Camp for your child's next adventure.

  1. Unleashing Creativity: At Arts Garage Summer Camp, every child is an artist. Our camp provides the canvas, paints, and stage for your child to express themselves in ways they’ve only imagined. It's about unlocking the creativity that resides within, offering endless possibilities to explore the arts.
  2. A Community of Young Artists: Your child will join a vibrant community of young artists, all on their journey of discovery and expression. It’s a place where friendships are forged in the creative fires of collaborative projects, where every child learns the value of teamwork and the joy of shared achievement.
  3. Personalized Attention from Passionate Instructors: Our instructors are more than teachers; they’re mentors who provide personalized attention, nurturing each child’s unique talents. With a backdrop of experience and a passion for the arts, they guide our campers on their journey of growth and discovery.
  4. A Stage to Shine: Arts Garage Summer Camp believes every child has a story worth telling. Our theater program offers the stage for them to do just that. From scriptwriting to the final curtain call, campers experience the thrill of performance and the applause of accomplishment.
  5. Building Confidence Through Performance: The spotlight teaches more than bravery—it fosters confidence. Performing arts at Arts Garage gives every child the chance to step into the light and discover their self-assurance, poise, and voice.
  6. An Education Beyond the Classroom: Learning at Arts Garage goes beyond traditional education. It’s about practical skills, emotional intelligence, and understanding the world through the lens of the arts. It’s an education that prepares them for life, instilling values of empathy, cultural awareness, and social responsibility.
  7. A Boundless Creative Curriculum: From painting to performance, our curriculum is as diverse as it is deep. Whether your child is an aspiring actor, a budding musician, or an emerging painter, they’ll find their niche and the means to explore it fully at Arts Garage Summer Camp.
  8. Encouragement of Healthy Risk-Taking: Creativity often means stepping out of comfort zones. Here, your child will be encouraged to take healthy risks—trying new forms of expression, exploring unfamiliar artistic mediums, and presenting their work. It's in these moments that growth occurs and confidence is built.
  9. Memories That Last a Lifetime: The experiences at Arts Garage Summer Camp are imbued with fun, learning, and growth. Campers not only take away enhanced artistic skills but also memories and friendships that last a lifetime.
  10. A Summer Well Spent: Choosing Arts Garage Summer Camp means choosing a summer of meaningful engagement over passivity. It’s where your child will spend their days creating, learning, and growing into a more confident, compassionate, and creative individual.

Embrace the Spotlight with "Set the Stage" Program

This summer, Arts Garage Summer Camp proudly presents the return of "Set the Stage," a special program designed to immerse your young artists in the dazzling world of theater. It's a chance for campers to dive deep into every aspect of theater production, from the magic of set design to the thrill of performance. Picture your child bringing stories to life, not just on the stage, but behind the scenes too!

"Set the Stage" offers a variety of classes including Acting, Playwriting, Technical Theatre (yes, including basic video production for the budding Spielberg), and Voice and Movement. This four-week journey is crafted to be fast-paced, encouraging collaboration and creativity every step of the way. And the best part? It all culminates in a final original production, allowing our campers to showcase their newfound talents to family and friends in a celebration of their hard work.

Scheduled field trips add an extra layer of excitement and real-world learning, making this summer theatre camp an unforgettable experience. Whether your child dreams of the spotlight or the director's chair, "Set the Stage" is ready to make those dreams a reality.

  • For the younger troupe (ages 7-10): The curtain rises on June 3, culminating in a final show on June 29.
  • For our older stars (ages 11-15): The adventure begins on July 8, with a final bow on August 3.

Classes run Monday through Friday, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, ensuring a summer packed with fun, learning, and growth. And because we believe in the importance of these experiences, financial aid is available, along with extended care services at an additional cost, ensuring every family has the opportunity to join in on the excitement.

The Arts Garage Theater Summer Camp offers more than just summer fun; it provides a foundation for personal growth, creative expression, and lifelong learning. It's a place where children can explore their passions, develop new skills, and connect with a community of like-minded peers and mentors. With a focus on innovation, user-friendliness, and connection, Arts Garage ensures a summer experience that enriches and excites, making it the perfect choice for your child this season. Let's make this summer one that your child will remember fondly, filled with the joy of the arts and the warmth of new friendships.

Performing arts summer camp