Why YOUR business needs a blog!
For Camps

Why YOUR business needs a blog!

I know you read the headline, cringing, but what if we told you that starting a blog could help your business in a major way? Blogging is a great way to take your business a step further.

We won’t leave you hanging. Here are 5 reasons why your business needs a blog!


Let’s face it: The competition is fierce, no matter what industry your company belongs to. That’s why it’s your duty as a business owner, to ensure that your business is ahead of the game. A blog is a great way to serve your invaluable content of advice, information and more, on a platter. Feast on that, competition!

hit the target


Who’s your target audience? If you can answer that, great. If not, that’s another post for another time. Moreover, if you’re aware of your target audience, then you’re able to create blog content that fits. Consequently, this allows you to learn your consumer and really get to know them. This also enables you to increase engagement with your customer, and build a lasting rapport. The more you know your audience, the better.



One of the best things about having a blog is being able to recycle, reuse, and repurpose that same content for social media purposes. Let’s say you wrote a blog post, informing your audience on how to connect with new camper parents. You could easily create a visual representation of said post, and use it as fresh social content. You’re killing two birds with one stone by promoting your company’s blog and creating a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter.

youve got mail


Growing your email list of prospective customers is essential to generating leads. Give your readers the opportunity to join your list by adding opt-in forms to your website. According to ShareThis, these are suggested places to add opt-in forms:

  • Header or footer
  • A designated page on your website
  • Your blog’s sidebar
  • At the end of each blog post
  • Body copy of a post
  • As a pop-up for new blog post visitors


Another great way to grow your email list is to create a unique call-to-action (CTA). CTA’s can be added to any blog post. The copy should be compelling, direct, and mimic your brand’s voice. It doesn’t have to be long, but it should grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to sign up.




We saved the best for the last—search engine optimization (SEO). The best method to increase your search engine rankings is having proper knowledge of optimizing your site by:

  • Using relevant keywords
  • Producing regular, quality content
  • Any images included on your site should have alt text (text describing an image, when your reader hovers over it)
  • Optimizing for mobile 
  • Utilizing SEO analytics tools, such as Hubspot’s Website Grader, Moz Pro, and SEMrush


You see, blogging is an integral part of building a lasting, profitable, and scalable business. With some patience, consistency, and solid resources, you’re on your way to reaping the benefits that follow!

5 pillars of small business marketing


Have suggestions for summer camps we should feature OR ideas on what we should write about? Please message us below in the comments.

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